For a few years I have been working alongside non-profit organizations and charities promoting fundraisers, producing events and creating institutional and advertising videos. Here are some of those works I've done. Videos in Portuguese and English
 institutional video, I filmed and edited for The Diocese Birmingham's "Mission Trip Project" in partnership with Christian Life Movement - 2015
International institutional video made for the Christian Life Movement - 2014
Institutional video for the contest "Christmas Stories", A Centro de Estudos Culturais Project - 2015
Institutional video for "Espaço Artístico e Musical Monsenhor Paulo Daher", made for Centro de Estudos Culturais - 2015
Advertising videos for the Photographic Contest and Exhibit "Vida em Movimento" (Life in Movement)
Realização: Centro de Estudos Culturais
Advertising video to promote de charity campaign "Natal É Jesus" (Christmas is Jesus) Made with "Solidariedade em Marcha" (Solidarity in March)
Video made with the Christian Life Movement to promote the World Youth Day